With the light come the bulbs, this week, drifts of crocuses. I’m glad of the work I put in last Autumn, replanting saved bulbs and putting in new ones.
On a day too sparkling to draw indoors, I hug the Winter sunshine and watch.
In the pots, the flowers are open, little bee magnets. As I look, one mauve becomes many, an overlay of magenta ink here, dry brush flecks there, smart white pinstripes on petals and leaves. The stigmas and stamens, glowing, need a highlighter.
Under the hydrangea, the crocuses are closed in the shade, glossy against the grey-green ground cover. I throw on some full-strength ink to get the saturation of colour and work dark to light.
As I write, the colours remind me to gather the crocuses as they go over. Sketches done, the flowers themselves will be good for ink.
Ballpen, watercolour, fineliner and highlighter on waste paper.
For garden sketches on garments, visit my Teemill shop.